The Best Recovery Drinks for Runners

The best recovery drink for runners has about 3:1 carb-to-protein ratio – with about 60g of carbs and 20g of protein (depending on variables such as weight and duration of the workout). Real food is always best but chocolate milk and protein powders like Previnex and Skratch can give you a quick refuel after a run.

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Recovery drinks are crucial for runners who train hard.

A runner is only as good as they recover. I mean that truly. This is something I learned personally. I would go for a long run, and come in the door and go straight into mom mode. How in the world could I have time to recover when there were kids needing breakfast, had places to go, and things needed to be cleaned!!!???

But I was feeling SO tired by the time my next run came around. Every one of my running peers seemed to bounce back and have no problems. A closer look revealed that I was not recovering well. I wasn’t giving my body what it needed to repair the damage done from the run to build back stronger.

Related: The Best Protein Powders for Runners

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Fuel your recovery and boost your next run! Pin these best recovery drinks for runners to replenish energy, repair muscles, and hydrate effectively.

As soon as I took a minute to grab a chocolate milk and a banana, I started feeling better—and running better. As my training intensified, I started looking into quick recovery drinks so that I could easily get in what my body needed to be nourished and repaired.

Below I am sharing the best recovery drinks from runners. These are recovery drinks that I have personally tried and liked based on how they feel and how they taste. I am also sharing drinks recommended by registered dietitian for runners. Megan Robinson. These drinks have the right ratio of protein and carbohydrates—and not a lot of added junk.

It goes without saying that eating real food is the best way to refuel and recover after a hard workout. Robinson emphasizes this! But let’s face it—we are busy! A drink that has all the nutrients we need to repair our muscles so we can recover while on the go can be vital as a busy mother runner.

Keep reading for the best!

Related: What to Eat After a Long Run: 5 Tips

Types of Recovery Drinks

There are two main recovery drinks for runners to consider: protein and carb drink and an electrolyte and carb drink.

A protein and carb drink typically has a 3:1 or 2:1 carb-to-protein ratio, notes Robinson. After a running session, runners should aim for a 3:1 ratio vs. after weightlifting, runners should have a 2:1 ratio, she advises.

Your body needs carbohydrates after running to restock the glycogen it burns to energize your run. Carbs (glycogen) are the fuel your muscles need to function so they need it to repair the microtears done by the running.

Protein lends a helping hand by spurring muscle synthesis.  These types of drinks come in pre-made bottles or recovery powders that you can mix in a shaker bottle or blend into a smoothie. Some of these recovery powders also include electrolytes so they are a one-stop-shop for recovery.

Related: What to Do After a Run for Better Recovery

An electrolyte drink replenishes the electrolytes you lost when sweating during your workout. Replenishing your electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium is important for muscle function and maintaining fluid balance — including helping draw fluid in and out of muscles, which is important for repair.

These sports drinks, such as Gatorade or Powerade, often include carbohydrates as well to restock your muscle glycogen—but they do not have the muscle-building protein.

It is possible to make your recovery drinks. For instance, you can blend a smoothie with fruit for carbs and electrolytes and nut butter, Greek yogurt, and milk for the protein. For electrolyte and carb drinks only, you can add fruit such as lemon juice and strawberries to your water!

Related: 8 Best Sports Drinks for Runners

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Fuel your recovery and boost your next run! Pin these best recovery drinks for runners to replenish energy, repair muscles, and hydrate effectively.

Key Nutrients in Recovery Drinks

The best recovery drink for runners includes three main ingredients: electrolytes, carbohydrates, and protein. Some recovery powders will include all three—but rarely do they have optimal amounts. Some, you will need to also drink an electrolyte drink or add fruit such as strawberries and a banana to your smoothie.

The ratio you should look for is:

  • 400 +/- mg sodium along with calcium, magnesium, and potassium
  • 45-60+ g of carbohydrates
  • 15-30+ g of protein

These numbers are guidelines but highly variable depending on the size of the runner, how much they sweat, how hard and for how long they ran, etc.

Related: Should Runners Take Creatine?

Runners should be pre-hydrating before they run with electrolytes, keep drinking during their runs, and rehydrate a bit more of what they lost in weight after their run. For example, if they lose about one pound, they should aim to drink 24 ounces of fluid after running to replenish their body. Hydrating will help blood circulate oxygen to repair damaged muscles.

Ingredients to Look For + Potential Additives

When looking for the best recovery drink for runners you want to look for ingredients that you recognize. That means you will want a drink that contains:

  • Naturally derived ingredients such as milk, rice protein, whey protein
  • BCAAs including 2-3g of leucine
  • Sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium
  • At least 20g of protein
  • At least 45g of carbs
  • About 400 mg of sodium
  • Few added sugar
  • Not a lot of antioxidants including Vit. C and Vit. E
  • No preservatives
  • No gums
  • No alcohols
  • No unspecified proprietary blends

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6 Best Post Run Recovery Drinks

So, what is the best recovery drink for runners? Let’s take a look at 5 of the best post-run recovery drink for runners.

Skratch Labs Recovery Sports Drink

Price $33.95 for 12 servings

This drink is the unicorn of recovery drinks in that it blends carbs, protein, AND electrolytes to rapidly “refuel, rehydrate, and rebuild.” It comes in four flavors including strawberries and cream and chocolate. It is one of Robinson’s favorites. The major con is that it has a lot of added sugar.

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Skratch Labs Recovery Sports Drink

Per 2 scoops:

  • Carbs: 35 g
  • Protein: 8 g
  • Sodium: 270 mg
  • Potassium: 384 g
  • Added Sugars: 22g
  • Leucine: yes

Previnex Nourify Protein Powder

Price $62.95 per 14 servings (Save 15% with code TMR15)

I am a big fan of Previnex products and what I love about Nourify is that it is clean, delicious, and also contains vitamins, minerals, and probiotics. Nourify is my go-to recovery powder after workout. I either shake it up or put in a smoothie. It’s vegan, filling, but lower in carbs so it’s best to add fruit to a smoothie post run. It’s one major con is that it is packed with vitamins including antioxidants which have been shown to negatively impact the adaptation process, Robinson points out.

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Previnex Nourify PLUS

Per 2 scoops:

  • Carbs: 21 g
  • Protein: 20 g
  • Sodium: 160 mg
  • Potassium: 470 mg
  • Added Sugars: 4 g
  • Leucine: yes

Naked Juice with Protein

Price $3.47 per 15.2 oz bottle

This is a recovery drink for runners I didn’t even know about but Robinson opened my eyes. Naked Juice with Protein contains whopping amounts of what runners need to recover from a hard run in one bottle perfectly blended for them. Just shake and drink. It may be the most convenient recovery drink available—no blending or scooping. It does have a lot of natural sugar (from fruit). Protein comes from whey and soy.

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Naked Juice with Protein

Per Bottle:

  • Carbs: 67 g
  • Protein: 30 g
  • Sodium: 250 mg
  • Potassium: 860 mg
  • Added Sugars: 0 g but 55g overall
  • Leucine: yes 

Gnarly Sports Nutrition Protein Powder

Price: $62.95 per 20 servings

Gnarly Nutrition protein powder is a grass-fed whey protein that is delicious. It also includes healthy fats, omega-3 acids, and other nutritional essentials that support muscle synthesis and immune health—perfect for replenishing your body after a tough workout. This is also similar to Previnex. Go with this option if you like the taste better or you don’t need a vegan option. The biggest drawback of Gnarly is that it doesn’t have a lot of carbohydrates or electrolytes, so it’s best to blend it with fruit or pair it with a bagel or banana, and sports drink.

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Gnarly Sports Nutrition Protein Powder

Per 2 scoops: Price per 20 servings

  • Carbs: 12 g
  • Protein: 25 g
  • Sodium: NA
  • Potassium: NA
  • Sugars: 2g
  • Leucine: yes

FairLife Chocolate Milk + Banana

Price $47.99 for 12 bottles

Studies have shown that chocolate milk can aid recovery by having lots of protein for muscle synthesis and electrolytes to aid in hydration, including potassium and B vitamins. This chocolate milk packs a whopping 30g of protein in one bottle and is smooth and delicious. What it lacks is a lot of carbs, so pair this with a banana and/or bagel as well. When I have a quick turnaround between finishing my run and heading out the door, this is what I rely on.

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FairLife Chocolate Milk

Per 11.5 oz bottle:

  • Carbs: 12 g
  • Protein: 30 g
  • Sodium: 230 mg
  • Potassium: 520 mg
  • Sugars: 4g
  • Leucine: yes

Related: 7 Tips to Recover Faster from a Marathon

Tailwind Recovery Mix

Price: $39.99 per 15 servings

Tailwind Recovery Mix is another favorite of Robinson’s because it’s a convenient and yummy on-the-go drink mix that contains lots of carbohydrates runners need plus a complete protein profile with all the BCAAs runners want for optimal recovery. Runners simply need to add water, shake and go. If you need extra carbs, just add a banana as you head out the door. The biggest drawback of this mix is the amount of sugar. However, that’s one way to replete carbs.

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Tailwind Recovery Mix

Per 2 scoops:

  • Carbs: 43 g
  • Protein: 10 g
  • Sodium: 440 mg
  • Potassium: 391 mg
  • Sugars: 37g
  • Leucine: yes

When to Drink for Muscle Recovery Post-Workout

Runners only need to drink a recovery drink for runs over 90 minutes or an intense training session. The optimal time window to drink your recovery drink is within 30 minutes after completing your run.

This is when your glycogen stores are most ready to take in more fuel to help repair damaged muscles, notes Robinson. If you miss this window, that’s ok! It is still beneficial to do a recovery drink later. And runners should keep up their carb intake for about 6 hours following their run. For example, two hours after your recovery drink, aim to eat a real meal with all your macronutrients.

Pick Your Next Post-Run Beverage

There are plenty of options for your post run beverage. I mean some people drink beer after marathon. Why do runners drink beer after a race? For the carbs. But truly you need more than just carbs in a drink for muscle recovery. You need protein and electrolytes too.

All of these post-run beverages have pros and cons. You can pick what’s best for you in your situation, which as a mom, can vary widely.

When I have time to recover after a run, I personally like to have Gatorade as I walk in the door, and then a smoothie about 30 minutes after. I eat a real meal such a sandwich about two hours after that.

If we are right off to soccer after my run—then it is a shower followed by a chocolate milk paired with a banana, for example. I don’t have time to blend a smoothie.

Pairing a drink with real food that’s easy to grab like a banana, Greek yogurt or bagel is a great strategy to recover and be ready for your next run!

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