Mother runners deal with mom guilt

How to Get Rid of Mom Guilt

There is something nearly all moms have in common. What? Mom guilt. What is mom guilt? Mom guilt is that pervasive feeling that you’re doing something wrong; that you aren’t being the best mom you can for your kid(s); that you are doing something that could “mess them up.” My mom guilt happened immediately. I … Read more

benefits of running while pregnant

Baby Benefits of Running While Pregnant

Mother runners know that our running benefits our children by teaching them healthy habits for their bodies and minds. But did you know that the benefits of running start in the womb? That’s right, our running while pregnant benefits our babies even before they are born. Related: Can You Run a Marathon While Pregnant? It’s … Read more

how to get your running motivation back

How to Get Your Running Motivation Back

UPDATED August 16, 2023: I wrote this article during the pandemic because nothing can torch your running motivation quite like a pandemic. But these tips still ring true for anyone that is struggling with maintaining their running habit, whether you are a new runner or seasoned runner. During the pandemic, many people lost their motivation … Read more

things not to say to a mother runner

24 Things Not to Say to a Mother Runner

There are so many things not do say to a mother runner. But people say them anyway. For some reason, mother runners’ running habit seems to be a lightning rod topic. Comments about how we spend our time or how our bodies look seem to be totally on limits—and totally inappropriate. But haters gonna hate. … Read more

Beginner 5k Training Plan

A Practical Guide to Stop Leaking While Running

The other week I had an onslaught of mother runners randomly asking me on Instagram how they could stop leaking while running. I realized this is a common problem among mother runners that need to be practically addressed. Research shows that one in three women leak during exercise postpartum. Another study found that almost half of … Read more