Why Do My Hips Hurt When Running?

The hips are key for running. Unfortunately, many runners suffer from hip pain–especially women who have had babies. In most cases, you do not want to run with hip pain. I share how to prevent hip pain in runners, and what to do if you suffer from hip pain when running. Talk with many female … Read more


Pregnancy Core Exercises (Expert Tips & 6 Key Moves)

You can do a sit-up pregnant. NO! You can’t! It’s dangerous!…You can do a plank. NO! Stop! You’ll hurt the baby! There is so much confusion and misinformation out there regarding safe pregnancy core exercises. So, I’m setting the record straight with key information and a suggested ab workout for pregnancy. When it comes to … Read more


Should I See a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist?

In the past several years, a lot has been learned and shared about pelvic floor health postpartum. Honestly, when I had my kids 8 and 5 years ago, I hadn’t heard much about the pelvic floor, and seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist wasn’t on my radar. Even as more information comes out, questions still … Read more

benefits of running while pregnant

Baby Benefits of Running While Pregnant

Mother runners know that our running benefits our children by teaching them healthy habits for their bodies and minds. But did you know that the benefits of running start in the womb? That’s right, our running while pregnant benefits our babies even before they are born. Related: Can You Run a Marathon While Pregnant? It’s … Read more

Running postpartum

Why Having a Baby is Like Blood Doping

Did you know that running postpartum can give you a competitive edge? In 2007, Paula Radcliffe won the New York City Marathon—NINE months after having a baby. In 2011, Kara Goucher ran a personal best in the Boston Marathon, placing fifth, less than SEVEN months after having her baby. That’s crazy, right? Well, it is, and … Read more