the benefits of a planned running break

Gift Guide for Your Runner Galentine

My husband often jokes that my runner friends, my runner galentine (s), spend more time with me than he does. To be honest, I think they may–at least uninterrupted time without hearing “mom!” “dad!” every second. He calls us the “Ya Ya Sisterhood” and we are, in a way. We connect on a deep level … Read more

benefits of running while pregnant

Baby Benefits of Running While Pregnant

Mother runners know that our running benefits our children by teaching them healthy habits for their bodies and minds. But did you know that the benefits of running start in the womb? That’s right, our running while pregnant benefits our babies even before they are born. Related: Can You Run a Marathon While Pregnant? It’s … Read more

women doing running drills in a field

8 Running Drills to Run Faster & Improve Running Form

Running drills increase neuromuscular fitness to help you run faster using less energy. Do these 8 running drills before a run a couple of times a week. We all want to run faster. But SHOCKER!, to get faster doesn’t always require running fast or running more. Running drills are an effective way to run faster … Read more

breathing tips for runners

How to Breathe When You Run

Your breath is a powerful thing. It has the power to calm the mind and boost energy. Not surprisingly, how you breathe when you run can have a huge impact on your running performance. Take too many or too few breaths and you feel breathless and short your body of the fuel it needs. However, … Read more