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Best Winter Running Gear for Running in the Cold
Running in cold temperatures can lead to improved performance because your body is having to work less to keep you cool. But to reap the benefits of cold weather running, you need proper gear. The best cold weather running gear is made of moisture-wicking fabrics like wool and feature reflective details. Below is the best…
How to Predict Your Marathon Time
Ahh, don’t we all wish we could have a crystal ball that was a marathon time predictor. But then, what fun would that be? Part of not knowing how we will perform in our marathon is part of what draws us. Yet, in the heart of my marathon training cycle, I find myself starting to…
5 Key Ways to Overcome Race Anxiety
I haven’t been able to race much in the past five years due to running injuries. Because I am out of practice, I have major race anxiety. Race anxiety or sports performance anxiety or pre race anxiety is when before an athletic competition you feel overly nervous or worried. Negative thoughts begin to spiral. You…
Can You Go Running with a Cold?
You can go running with a cold if you feel up to running and your symptoms are above the neck. However, if you have a hacking cough, headache, fever, or sore throat, it is best to rest. Otherwise, you risk prolonging your illness. Below I detail how to decide when to take time off running…
Running and Menopause: Your Training Guide
Menopause and running don’t go together well. I know this because I was just told by my doctor that I am going through perimenopause and that’s why running has felt so hard lately. Menopause is a point in time 12 months after a woman’s last period. It usually happens between the ages of 45 and…
How to Maintain Fitness During the Holidays
It’s a crazy time of year! And so many runners stress about how to maintain fitness during the holidays–me included! But a maintenance running plan can help you maintain fitness without stressing you out with another thing on your list to get done or find time for! This time of year is so busy and…
Benefits of Running While Pregnant
Running while pregnant has gotten a bad rap because of outdated information and misconceptions. But there are actually a lot of benefits of running while pregnant for mom and baby. I remember being incredibly nervous to run while pregnant. My gut told me it was good for me and my baby. Turns out my gut…
How to Regain Your Motivation to Run
Every winter, I struggle to keep my running motivation. As a running coach, many of my athletes also struggle with staying motivated to run. But there are mental tricks I use to help myself–and my athletes–stay motivated to pound the pavement, no matter how cold and dark it is. There have been countless mornings where…
Does Working Out Affect Milk Supply?
Does working out affect milk supply? It has long been believed that running can hurt your milk supply. But registered dietitians say if you are eating and drinking enough, you will retain your milk supply! Read on to learn how to fuel both your running and your baby! There is a myth that working out…
The Best Recovery Drinks for Runners
The best recovery drink for runners has about 3:1 carb-to-protein ratio – with about 60g of carbs and 20g of protein (depending on variables such as weight and duration of the workout). Real food is always best but chocolate milk and protein powders like Previnex and Skratch can give you a quick refuel after a…