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  • Should Runners Strength Train on Hard Run or Easy Days? A Physical Therapist’s Take

    Should Runners Strength Train on Hard Run or Easy Days? A Physical Therapist’s Take

    A common question runners training for half or full marathons, especially those incorporating speed work and long runs, is: “Should I strength train on hard run days or easy days?”.  This is an excellent question. You want your hard efforts to pay off when you line up at the start line. You want strength workouts…

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  • Healthy Meals for Runners (+ 15 Recipes for Runners)

    Healthy Meals for Runners (+ 15 Recipes for Runners)

    I have a secret to tell you—something that happens to me on the regular. I get completely blocked and lose all creativity when it comes to meal ideas. My family can be pretty picky and tricky to feed. In trying to please them, I have little left for myself and then am desperate for ideas….

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  • Is It Safe to Run Back-to-Back Marathons?

    Is It Safe to Run Back-to-Back Marathons?

    I’ve noticed a trend in marathoning—running back-to-back marathons. I am seeing it with my friends, on social media, and in the athletes I coach. It made me wonder—is it safe to run back-to-back marathons? After all, running 26.2 miles is very demanding on the body. Running a marathon damages everything from your vital organs to…

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  • Overcome Barriers to Eating Before You Run

    Overcome Barriers to Eating Before You Run

    Many runners struggle with eating before they run. Some runners may wake up early and don’t have time to digest breakfast before running. Others may think eating before running defeats the purpose of running if the goal is to lose weight. Some runners don’t eat before running to avoid tummy troubles. However, if you skip…

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  • Should I Drink Coffee Before Running?

    Should I Drink Coffee Before Running?

    One scroll through Instagram and you’ll likely be barraged by coffee alternatives to replace caffeine. If you’re caffeine sensitive, sure, these are good options. But if not, grab your cup of joe and start reading. Because guess what? Drinking coffee, especially coffee before running, is almost always a good idea. Study after study after study…

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  • How Do I Know If I Am Lifting Heavy Enough for Running?

    How Do I Know If I Am Lifting Heavy Enough for Running?

    Strength training plays a crucial role in any running program, but many runners question whether they should lift heavy, and if so are they lifting heavy enough to reap benefits? While experienced lifters may focus on heavier weights for select exercises, there are plenty of advantages to using just bodyweight exercises. The key is understanding…

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  • Running After C Section: What to Know

    Running After C Section: What to Know

    A C-section, or Caesarean, is a major abdominal surgery that delivers a baby through a surgical incision. The process of being pregnant places a lot of demand and changes on our bodies as does being a mother to an infant. Compound that with a major surgery, and time and grace are needed for our bodies…

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  • How Far to Run Before a Marathon?

    How Far to Run Before a Marathon?

    If you are training for a marathon (26.2 miles!), then you need to run far in your training. So how long should your longest long run be before a marathon? You would think that is a simple answer—but it’s not! Because running and training for an endurance event such as a marathon can be complicated…

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  • What You Need to Know About Masters Running

    What You Need to Know About Masters Running

    Masters running is a race category for runners over the age of 40. Master runners are in a different category as research shows that we tend to get slower past the 40-year mark. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Training smarter not harder can help us get faster as aging runners. Indeed, I…

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  • Best Winter Running Gear for Running in the Cold

    Best Winter Running Gear for Running in the Cold

    Running in cold temperatures can lead to improved performance because your body is having to work less to keep you cool. But to reap the benefits of cold weather running, you need proper gear. The best cold weather running gear is made of moisture-wicking fabrics like wool and feature reflective details. Below is the best…

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