Your Strength Training For Runners Guide
Strength training for runners can help improve performance and reduce injury risk. Studies show that strength training for runners enhances running form, VO2 max, and running economy. Specifically, runners may use 2-8 percent less energy and oxygen to run, improving time trial performance by 2 to 5 percent. It doesn’t take long to get benefits from strength training, just two to three sessions per week of 20-30 minutes using basic moves, says Mary Johnson, founder of Lift. Run. Perform. Read on to learn more about how to lift weights to run fast.

After being injured and out of running for several years, I was able to return and set personal records in the mile, half marathon and marathon distance within 9 months of running. How? A big reason is strength training. One of the benefits of my hamstring injury and plantar fascia tear was that it forced me to start strength training as a runner. Slowly adding weights in helped heal my proximal hamstring injury and as I returned to running, my stride felt more powerful and effortless. Employing weight training has also improved my confidence as a runner: I know that my body is strong and can overcome future running injuries.
But strength training for runners can be confusing. How much should you lift? How often? When? Do you lift before a run or after? Should you do it the same day as a hard workout? I’ve done the research and talked with the pros and answer all your questions about strength training for runners. Let’s go!
Table of contents
- Why should a runner lift weights?
- 10 Strength Training for Runners Tips
- Should a runner lift heavy or light weights?
- How many times a week should a runner lift weights?
- Should you lift weights before or after running?
- How do I fit lifting weights into my running schedule?
- Should you lift before a running workout?
- How long should my weightlifting session be?
- How much weight should I lift?
- What weight training equipment do I need?
- What weight-lifting moves should runners do?
- How can I mix up my weight training?
- Consistency is key with weight training for runners.
Why should a runner lift weights?
Strength training for runners improves running efficiency, maximal sprint speed, and overall performance. Specifically, benefits include:
- Lifting weights may make you faster. Studies show that strength training for runners enhances running form, VO2 max, and running economy by improving neuromuscular coordination and power, and encouraging coordination and stride efficiency. Specifically, the research has found that by lifting weights, runners use 2-8 percent less energy and oxygen to run, improving time trial performance by 2 to 5 percent. Hello, PR city!
- Lifting for runners may reduce injury risk. Runners who lift weights have stronger muscles, connective tissues, and bones which can make them less prone to injury. This is something I have experienced firsthand as I have rehabbed my hamstring tear.
- Runners who lift have better overall health. Strength training helps you have more confidence, mental strength, along with improved health markers like blood sugar, BMI, and cholesterol. Did I mention it also increases your fat-burning capability?
10 Strength Training for Runners Tips
- Lift 2-3 times for about 30-60 minutes per week.
- Use simple moves that require you push, pull, squat, hinge, and carry.
- Lift heavy weights where you could max out at about 6-12 or so reps.
- Do 2-3 sets of 6-12 reps.
- Don’t lift to failure.
- Don’t lift a weight that you could do 20 reps with.
- Remember your core.
- Lift AFTER you run.
- Mix up your routine about every 4-6 weeks.
- Keep at it. Consistency is key!
FAQs About Strength Training for Runners
Should a runner lift heavy or light weights?
Runners should lift heavy weights. Running itself is an endurance exercise much like light weights and high reps. So, there is no need to build muscle endurance in the weight room. Instead, to build strength, power, and muscle coordination, runners need to lift heavy with lower reps. According to a recent study runners should aim to do low reps (5 to 10) with heavy weights (about 75 percent of your max) at least twice a week. This feels like you could lift about 2-3 more reps with good form. (Learn if know if you are lifting heavy enough here.)
How many times a week should a runner lift weights?
A runner should aim to lift weights 2-3 times per week, notes Dr. Stacy Sims, in her book ROAR. Three is ideal, but you can see gains from two times a week. And, one is better than nothing!
Should you lift weights before or after running?
Generally, you should run first and lift weights after running—unless you are in a strength and base-building phase, then lift first. Studies suggest it’s best to allow for three hours of recovery time between running and lifting, although this may be difficult as a mother runner.
Therefore, a general rule of thumb, according to Mary Johnson, run coach and founder of Lift Run Perform, is to keep hard days hard and easy days easy. So, runners should lift weights the same day as their running workouts like tempos or track workouts.
“If you’re just too tired to lift after running, it’s okay!” notes Mary. “Lifting the immediate day following a workout is fine, just make sure you give yourself a solid recovery day before your next hard effort.”
How do I fit lifting weights into my running schedule?
Running is already demanding of time and energy, so how do you fold lifting weights into your running schedule? I tell the athletes I coach to lift whenever works best for them because lifting at suboptimal times is better than nothing. You may have heard that you should lift on hard run days–this is true. However, this can be too demanding of our time and our bodies.
Unless you can lift hours after your run, it is better to lift on easy days. Still, blending running and lifting can be individual. Pay attention to how you feel. If your legs feel tired on workout days because you lifted on the easy day before, you may try to lift after you run. If you need help balancing your running and lifting, check out the run + strength plans in the Stronger Runners app that I co-designed with physical therapist and strength coach, Dr. Holly Richard.
Should you lift before a running workout?
NEVER! Mary says to “never lift the day before a workout! You want to preserve your body/legs for the running.” Studies show that runners need 24-48 hours of recovery after strength training before a high-intensity running session. If you lift before a workout, you risk not nailing your workout and prolonging recovery time.
Learn more about how to fit weights into your running schedule in Laura’s post.
How long should my weightlifting session be?
Each weight session should be 30-60 minutes and involve 2-3 sets of 10 reps. A full-body session will take about an hour. Aim for a total of about two hours in the gym per week.
How much weight should I lift?
Pick a weight and lift it ten times. If you could lift it a couple more times, you found the right weight. Don’t pick a weight that you could lift 20 times. And don’t pick a weight that leads to failure at 10 reps.
“Heavy weights plus proper form equal good results,” notes Dr. Sims. “Too little weight is a waste of time. Too much weight is counterproductive.”
What strength training equipment do I need?
Good strength training equipment for runners include :
- one large loop and one small loop exercise resistance bands
- a medicine ball of no more than 6 pounds
- a kettlebell of 20-35 pounds
- some dumbbells (you can start with adjustable dumbbells)
- an exercise ball or sliders (you can also use books),
- a bench or cinder blocks to put weights on,
- and their body weight.
What weight-lifting moves should runners do?
Mary says there are six fundamental movement patterns of lifting: push, pull, squat, hinge, carry, and lunge. These are the moves runners should focus on. No need to get fancy. Simple lower body moves like barbell squats, deadlifts, step-ups, lunges, and calf raises will do the trick.
Strength training moves for runners include:
- Push: Push-up or bench press
- Pull: Pull-up or dumbbell row
- Squat: Goblet squat
- Hinge: Deadlifts or single-leg deadlifts
- Carry: Suitcase hold or goblin hold
- Lunge: Lunge or split squat
Other running strength moves include:
- Plank variations
- Steps Ups
- Hamstring Curls
- Glute Bridges
- Calf Raises
- Clam Shells/Banded Side Steps
- Reverse Fly
- Dead Bugs
- Bird Dog
- V-Ups
How can I mix up my weight training?
Your body is smart and will adapt to weight-lifting thereby wasting your time if you don’t mix it up. “Variety is your friend when it comes to making muscle,” writes Dr. Sims. So, change up your routine every 4-6 weeks. But you can also change the way you do the simple strength training moves by
- slowing down the lowering (eccentric)
- adding a hold at the bottom (isometric)
- adding more weights (progressive)
- changing the number of reps or sets, and
- altering the time of rest between sets.
Johnson explains: Performing a Goblet Squat with a 5-second eccentric means you will slowly lower yourself down to your bottom position for 5 seconds, then return up to standing as quickly as possible. In contrast, a Goblet Squat with 3-second isometric means you will lower quickly to your bottom position (with good form and technique), hold for 3 seconds, and then return to standing as quickly as possible.
Consistency is key with weight training for runners.
To reap and maintain the benefits of strength training, runners need to be consistent—much like running. The research shows that benefits improve as the weight-lifting program for runners continues and fall away within about six weeks after training stops. Just as you would lose fitness if you stopped running, you’d lose strength if you stopped lifting.
Do you lift weights for your running? If you need assistance, I program strength workouts for my runners.